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Over 1600 children, parents and the wider community engaged in the project.
Project facilitators observed a huge improvement by participating schools in young people’s understanding, confidence and ability to articulate complicated concepts throughout the work.
All eight schools remained motivated and committed throughout the project.
64 weekly creative workshops at eight schools were delivered
‘This work is extremely important if we want to arm our children and also the adults
around them with the tools to question the fears and prejudices that in part the media has perpetuated’.
‘I feel as a society we are too accepting about the statements about immigration, Islam, LGBT that stoke fear when we should be asking people to really scrutinize why they may hold negative beliefs but haven’t actually got anything to back up why they feel the way they do’.
‘As a society we need to stop accepting everything as fact and question what is really going on’.
‘This work has allowed young people to engage in a sensitive topic in a way that doesn't feel like they are being told how to behave. It has enabled them to consider the issues and make their own minds up about what is right and wrong’.
‘When we planned a mosque trip only 32/80 were allowed to go. This work engaged a whole class and was seen by the whole of year 7 and 8. This will have a huge long term impact on the thinking of Year 7 and 8s’.
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